CY's Take on The Weekly Challenge #112
If you want to challenge yourself on programming, especially on Perl and/or Raku, go to, code the latest challenges, submit codes on-time (by GitHub or email).
Do tell me, if I am wrong or you strongly oppose my statements!
Task 1: Canonical Path
For the . cases, we can choose to ignore them (grep { $_ ne "." }).
For the .. cases, naturally they are handled by a stack ‐ pop and push operations in Perl arrays.
For cases with multiple consecutive slashes, we can choose to ignore the empty string (grep { $_ ne "" }).
my $origin = $ARGV[0] || "/a//b/c/../../";
my @directories = grep { $_ ne "" && $_ ne "." } split "/", $origin;
my @new_dirs = ();
for (@directories) {
if ($_ ne "..") {
push @new_dirs, $_;
else {
pop @new_dirs;
print ( "/" . (join "/", @new_dirs));
print "\n";
The followings are some output of the program, it is good that the Perl interpreter does not complain on pop @empty_array:
$ perl "/../../" / $ perl "/a/" /a $ perl "/a/b//c/" /a/b/c $ perl "/a/b/c/../.." /a
Task 2: Climb Stairs
If you had studied a bit about the Fibonacci sequence, did the domino-monomino covering problem cross your mind?
Consider a 1-by-n chessbaord. You have plenty of monomino(1×1) pieces and domino(1×2) pieces. How many ways are there to cover the chessboard?
It is a standard exercise of programming to display the n-th Fibonacci number. Let us go further. Can we display the details of the options?
After some thoughts, I realized it can be accomplished by combinations:
use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw/combinations/;
for my $i ($n%2+$n/2 .. $n-1) {
my $iter = combinations([0..$i-1] , ($n-$i) );
my $str = "1" x $i;
while (my $c = $iter->next) {
my $str_clone = $str;
substr($str_clone, $_, 1) = "2" for (@{$c});
push @all, $str_clone;
The followings are some output of the program:
$ perl 3 For 3 steps to climb, the number of options is 3: 21 12 111 $ perl 5 For 5 steps to climb, the number of options is 8: 221 212 122 2111 1211 1121 1112 11111 $ perl 10 For 10 steps to climb, the number of options is 89: 22222 222211 222121 ... 111111121 111111112 1111111111
As a dessert for this blogpost: a math question popped in my mind: what is the total number of 2's occurs on the options? Then I came to this integer sequence:
A001629 Self-convolution of Fibonacci numbers.
The recent weekly challenge tasks contain some sophisticated math sequences ‐ refer to FUSC Sequence in Week 104 (Task 1) and Bell Numbers in Week 108 (Task 2).
Besides, I wish I have knowledge and time to write Common Lisp solution(s) for the tasks, but I am stuck on exam preparation. Therefore, leave the "guest language conquer" after May.
Stay alert and healthy! □
link for codes:,
Contact on twitter: @e7_87.
Created Date: 16th May, 2021; last updated: 21:50 HKT