CY's Take on The Weekly Challenge #115
If you want to challenge yourself on programming, especially on Perl and/or Raku, go to, code the latest challenges, submit codes on-time (by GitHub or email).
Do tell me, if I am wrong or you strongly oppose my statements!
Task 1: String Chain
We can solve this by brute-force: counting all possible permutations and check whether the last alphabet of a component is the first alphabet of next component. But we can treat the task as a task of graph theory.
Treat the strings as edges and the first(and last) alphabets as vertices.
A directed graph has an Eulerian cycle if and only if every vertex has equal in-degree and out-degree, and all of its vertices belong to a single connected component of the underlying undirected graph. (Source: Wikipedia, much rephrased)
Therefore there are two parts of my code:
- Check the in-degree and out-degree of each vertex;
- check whether the underlying undirected graph is connected.
First part:
sub consistent_degrees {
my @edges = @_;
my %i_vertex;
my %o_vertex;
for my $str (@edges) {
my $head = substr $str, 0, 1;
my $tail = substr $str, -1, 1;
push $i_vertex{$tail}->@*, $head;
push $o_vertex{$head}->@*, $tail;
for my $letter (keys %i_vertex) {
if (!$o_vertex{$letter}) {
return 0;
if (scalar @{$i_vertex{$letter}}
!= scalar @{$o_vertex{$letter}}) {
return 0;
return 1;
Second part:
sub is_connected {
my @edges = @_;
my %collected;
my %vertex_neigh;
for my $str (@edges) {
my $head = substr $str, 0, 1;
my $tail = substr $str, -1, 1;
$collected{$head} = -1;
$collected{$tail} = -1;
push $vertex_neigh{$head}->@*, $tail;
push $vertex_neigh{$tail}->@*, $head;
# depth-first search
my @stack = substr($edges[0], 0, 1);
while (scalar @stack != 0) {
my $cur = pop @stack;
if ($collected{$cur} == 1) {
else {
for my $neigh ($vertex_neigh{$cur}->@*) {
push @stack, $neigh if $collected{$neigh} == -1;
$collected{$cur} = 1;
#check connectedness
for my $letter (keys %collected) {
if ($collected{$letter} == -1) {
return 0;
return 1;
As the question does not request us output a possible chain, I just stop here. An algorithm can be found, again, on Wikipedia.
I thought of providing a guest language submission of Java, but I found I deleted my previous Java code on (a site on bioinformatics algorithms) (though I have recollected that I made an Edge class and Vertex class for those tasks); and this week wasn't a fine week for me; hence I just slacked off.
Anyway... A mere accident is going to be mentioned. During my coding, initially, I wrote the default case as:
my $S = @ARGV || ("abc");
It kept bringing me the number of strings (scalar context of @ARGV) and, return 1 (because I am testing with small number of strings). Ooops. Finally I realized the problem is on ||. The code was then changed:
my @S = @ARGV;
@S = ("IT DOESNT MATTER ") if !@S;
Task 2: Largest Multiple
Sort the digits from largest to smallest, pick up the smallest even digit to be the last digit, then output the number.
A Few Words on Previous Week
Challenge 114, Task 2 : I just divided several cases for task 2 "Higher Integer Set Bits" (code). Never thought of the simple idea of keeping change of "01" to "10". Oh.
Challenge 111, Task 2 : I read the Perl review and found my submitted code trapped by case-insenitiveness. :( Maybe this is why experience in programming is important. :)
Stay alert (even if you have taken the vaccine); furthermore, care for the less lucky people in our flat world! □
link for codes:,
Contact on twitter: @e7_87.
Created Date: 6th May, 2021; last updated: 22:20 HKT